Sunday, November 15, 2009


Never ever think “I can’t” ……. And never ever accept defeat instead compare yourself to the tides
Which always comes back , but every time when it comes, it comes with all new height and force!
So be alike a tide or tsunami, a source which generates power and force, a sign of success and achievements

Remember that even a very successful man has to struggle a lot to succeed . great men like napoleon , alexender , shivaji , akbar and others lost one third of all the important battles they fought but did not give up. As man is the only creature endowned with the power to regain, regenerate all his strength and stand up once again. This quality is the precious quality which makes even common man “ winner” .

God has enormous creations but amongst those humans are the supreme, WHY ???
!!!!!! YES !!!!!!
Because it has the ability to think and only this ability distinguishes him from other creations.
Therefore think and think wisely.